
I just recalled I once had to explain to my CTO what’s the difference between stack and heap memory

It baffled me a little bit, but contrary to what one might perhaps expect, this was a guy who was already making a living off of programming for about ten years selling his software to various clients, so he was clearly competent enough to create software that works, and he had in fact put this startup on its feet operationally with it already being profitable before outside investments were secured

And here I was with my theoretical CS knowledge making zero bucks before getting this job

  • 8
    clients do not give a single fuck about your tech or knowledge
    They have an issue, you fix it for them, or save them time and money
    They pay you
    You can code it in brainfuck, they don’t care
  • 2
    @ars1 yeah, I reckon that is the case

    I wrote the first part of this rant and then kept on musing
  • 5
    In my experience clients prefer managers who are bad at the actual job. They don't understand a technology and so don't worry about the manager's internal responsibilities. Connecting emotionally over their shared obliviousness to how the work gets done is vastly more important.
  • 0
    @lorentz I can't attest to that because I don't get into contact with users, but it sounds intuitively true
  • 1
    Well, to be fair, nowadays many languages don't even have that distinction since everything is heap anyway, or only have stack semantics for primitive types.
  • 2
    Yeah, it's the compiler's job to care about that shit. Sure, i did some asm too. But highlevel languages make that knowledge pretty much obsolete outside of the rare desperate hunt for a tiny bit of extra performance...
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