Two things:

a) getting into development at all

b) selling my bitcoins in 2012

  • 6
    Second one must be hurting like a rusty dagger through the heart.
  • 0
    Sold mine in 2014 ... 😒
  • 1
  • 0
    Why do you regret getting into development ?
  • 0
    @abdallahesam because I'm quite alone with that knowledge in my contact circles, so people ask for help aaaaalll the time, and when I've helped them for a while people stop respecting my time...
  • 0
    @shivayl @Sarcaxxo well I had like 400 BTC that I CPU mined in the early days of the currency, if I hadn't sold them I could've bought a house for them today...
  • 1
    @swantzter wow, that's ALLOT more then I had. I mined only 0.72 BTC in a pool ...
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