Wasting so much time on gaming instead of learning software development when I was just starting out

  • 5
    After thousands of hours of League of Legends, I uninstalled it last Tuesday.

    Trying to focus on CS studies and programming now.
  • 2
    @okkimus good for you!
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    @okkimus good for you. I just bombed an algorithms midterm and an operating systems midterm so I could get to gold for the first time. I hate myself.
  • 1
    Started the season in bronze and climbed to gold 5. Stopped playing ranked after that so I couldn't get demoted ;)
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    @okkimus congrats! I've been playing for 4 years now. Hit silver the last 2 years, last season I ended silver 1 90 lp. That hurt. Didn't wanna let that happen again.
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