Undouable. Yhi github registration sucks

  • 5
    The objects are invariably have a light patch on the top the long axis of which is parallel to the axis you have to align. I'm pretty sure a step curve and linear regression could efficiently solve it without even the use of AI.
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    If there were objects with an obvious but not geometrically inferable front side such as a camera, a motorbike with sidecar, a paintbrush, a chess horse or a steamroller then it might be a good captcha, especially if you have to align two axes.

    All I've gotten are conventional cars and horses, both of which are longest and closest to symmetrical along their forward axis.
  • 0
    Why, aren't you a human?

    It's better than picking motorbikes from grainy images
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    @lorentz yeah... over the past ~15yrs captcha tech/methodology hasnt gotten much more advanced. I can still bypass basically any currently used method with the scripts i wrote as a teenager for catching runescape bots... i was stuck in a bed, heavily medicated, for a few months... needed a way to use excessive time in a way I found amusing but didnt harm others... at least undeserving others. I also would go around phishing for sites giving out malware, modify it, removing the previous backdoors ofc, then send it back.

    I've begun to realise I was a very abnormal, highly unsupervised, child.
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    @MammaNeedHummus try when the captcha is poorly translated. Ive gotten several, German, dutch, russian mostly, where it gave a term like that translates to 'bike', but im assuming they meant bicycle or motorbike. But then they give pics of 'bikes', including both varieties, and tell you to pick out only the 'bikes'...

    I still don't know if they meant motorcycles or bicycles... im not even sure how/why any of my answers went through or if its the same poor translation for both.
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    I thought maybe the audio version was easier but not after reading the comments about translation
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    @MammaNeedHummus no, she's just bot that quotes the word poes back to me wherever I show up
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