Question to people who use vim as their main editor:

I want to use vim as my main editor and I setup a color scheme. This only looked the way it should in gvim but looked weird in vim. I have read online that this is because of the limited color support of terminals.

So the question: do you use gvim or how do you handle color schemes in vim?

  • 3
    @Jilano linux
  • 4
    I use Vundle as a plug-in manager for vim and then I found a nice theme and installed it. There are tons of nice vim plugins, and other plugin managers as well. But yeah using a plugin manager is what most people do for themes.
  • 2
    You can use a terminal with true color support, like gnome terminal, or use 256 color friendly themes, if your terminal doesn't support true color - like urxvt
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