
Fuck azure. Not even 2 hours in and this is the biggest bullshit I've seen. So fucking overcomplicated just to sign in and use the azure portal. Keep getting bombarded with random error messages when i try to create any fucking resource. Some tenant error no idea what that shit is. Annoying as fucjk

  • 4
    I honestly believe I came to know devrant through a "fuck azure" google search back in 2020
  • 0
    I have to get mildly into it when it's time to scale... pretty sure it's a reason I've been dragging my feet a bit... seems like a ton of bloat and stupidity that I'll surely want to hack past.
  • 1
    As some who did azure trainings and labs for past week - yeah, fuck azure.
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    The pipelines part of azure is pretty cool though
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    @black-kite all pipelines are the same
  • 0
    @b2plane that’s a blanket statement that doesn’t mean much.
    I’m talking about the azure tool that can help you craft pipelines with a bunch of useful extensions
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  • 0
    Let's be real here. *"Fuck cloud" You're not going to find anything resembling smart or usable from any of the alternatives either. >.>
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    @lankku No. Not fuck cloud. Fuck azure
  • 0
    @lankku I'm a tech/code dinosaur/grumpy old man(figuratively ofc)... also was CEH/CNDA (just cuz why not)... though I'm not saying its easy... statistically, if I can hack "the cloud"/aws so can others.

    Surprisingly, the US fed gov doesn't need any verifiable info on who/what/why 13 static IPv4s and large cyclic power pulls are coming from a residential house, in the middle of 1.06 sq acres, in the middle of a large corn field in Michigan... but if you want to withdraw 10k $ of your own, documented origins $??? Youre clearly much more actionably suspect... similarly if my dog gets a Tylenol3 it gets entered in MAPS under my name... but a jar of poorly labeled, unsealed, aside from that sturdy, impenetrable, manilla envelope; shipped/dropped off on my front porch, clearly labeled as drugs by some random unmarked guy in a personal car, not even a knock.

    If i didnt live in the middle of a corn field that seems like the ideal way to cull some curious kids, and I'm very conservative
  • 2
    @b2plane fuck them both.
    L2local b2lame

    For my new haiku portfolio:

    . .Oh lil b2plane
    Willfully ignorant knave
    Needs humility

    Needs a valid name...
    Nosedive? Maybe... Crippled Flights?
    Know one, b2plane?

    Ok, I'm done.
  • 1
    Are you aware that you liked a comment that explicitly calls you wilfully ignorant... and a little boy?... tbh I really hope you do realise it, and use that insight to grow/approach things differently.
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