doge-cryption, doggo + encryption

Project Type
Open source idea

doge-cryption, doggo + encryption

[hello sharks] I was learning about encryption one day, and naturally, I thought, "WHERE'S THE DOGS?" my idea consists of making an encryption cipher/algorithm/technique, where every single private key is a sequence of doggo keywords such as "bork, hooman, pet" and so many more. the public keys will be ascii art of doge, but with slight variations to create more keys not noticable to an untrained eye. this will be an api for all the large companies we've partnered with who want to use dogecryption (or dogecrypt) and a simple messaging app will be made using the api at the end. sample: user 1 wants to dogecrypt the text "who's a good boy. yes you are, yes you are!" and send it to a friend, who has a public key. the public key would look something like the picture that I'll comment down below, and the private key would be something along the lines of: "borkhoomanpetmewowmuchbark" but to make it stronger, some letters will be replaced with numbers: "b0rkho0m4np3tmewowmuchb4rk" so, user 1 uses the public key commented below, and sends dogecrypted data to user 2, who reads it by deborking it with his private key. well [sharks], who wants to become part of this security revolution with dogecryption?
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C, C++
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