
Online photo contests. Winner chosen by contestants.

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Project idea

Online photo contests. Winner chosen by contestants.

Platform to run photo contests. So the platform will run several contests at the same time with different topics. Users can join as many as they want. After everyone has uploaded the photo they start choosing the best. At the end most liked wins. Social network things could be implemented like friends list, likes, comments and direct messages.
Tech Stack
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  • 3
    How would you know if the photo submitted was taken by that person only?
  • 0
    @d02d33pak Accepting terms & conditions isn't enough? Well nobody reads that lol
    Maybe problem can be solved by the crowd. I mean, the community is choosing the winner, they can report if a photo is plagiarism.
  • 1
    would love to contribute... what will be the tech stack?
  • 0
    @deepmind MySQL and PHP. Either laravel or Zend, haven't decided yet. How's your writing platform btw?
  • 0
    @Darmark no one has came up to build it with me. and as someone mentioned there are some existing platforms that does this.
  • 0
    I would provide photos when its finished!
  • 2
  • 0
    @JS96 Looks awesome
  • 1
    @JS96 Exactly! Just like that lol Thanks a lot, I couldn't find something similar during my research, probably I just had to keep digging.
  • 0
    @d02d33pak maybe also upload the raw as evidence?
  • 1
    I'm interested. Count me in. I have knowledge on laravel and MySQL
  • 0
    @maxx Thanks for your help! And just the technologies I was thinking about. Laravel and MySQL. Maybe a few components in Vue.js or Angular. But before that I have to think. As you can see in the comments my idea already exists. I have to come with something better, any ideas?
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