
react > vue > angular

  • 5
    99% of all FE architecture decisions don’t matter because all it takes is one fucking moron or money miser little contractor asshole to ruin the entire codebase fucking god shit damnit fuck
  • 5
    @shovethisrant The one decision that does matter is whether you even need a JS framework.

    Hint: on most websites, you don't, but using one anyway will invariably flush the result down the gutter from the beginning.
  • 2
    @shovethisrant jeez who hurt you
  • 1
    @aviophille Not every, you moron, but the average FE "dev" who is indeed an incompetent fraud, as evidenced by the deplorable technical state of the average website.

    But ofc you don't understand the difference between "every" and "average" because the concept of average is already too difficult for you as average FE "dev".
  • 1
    @aviophille You're also too dumb for even plain fucking English. "By and large" is not "every".
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    @aviophille That's the reality, and that's because most FE "devs" are about as dumb as you. That's also why you are in FE to begin with.
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    I always have trouble understandin this notation. Is this > means as 'more' or as 'evolves/leads to'?
  • 0
    @aviophille You fight like a dairy farmer!
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    @aviophille nobody is insulting you by saying FE devs are dumb.

    I am a FE dev myself. @Fast-Nop probably too.

    You insult yourself by agreeing and showing to be the exact kind of dumb shit that @Fast-Nop is talking about.
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    @Lensflare Nah, I'm not in FE, but as general web user, pissed off with how poorly most websites are slopped together, both in terms of speed and accessibility, and how strikingly easy it should be to considerably improve that even for a junior dev.

    Invalid HTML/CSS, non-semantic div soup, huge images scaled down in the browser, missing alt tags, broken keyboard navigation, layout shift, no graceful degradation / progressive enhancement, galore of JS where none is even necessary, goofy shit like scrolljacking that nobody asked for, illegible light grey fonts on white background, hidden navigation even on desktop, just to name a few standard issues.
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    @aviophille No, I'm also pissed off e.g. about the idiots who misdesigned my warm water meter so that condensed water is trapped inside, killing the electronics after less than a year.
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    You want to explain basic logic to me? You? 😂

    You who is triggered and insulted by "Most FE devs are dumb"?

    "Hey, I realized that I’m exactly that kind of idiot and I feel insulted" 😂
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    What we all agree on is everything has its place, whether it’s a framework or going raw like HTML JS and CSS. They are tools, and tools can be used incorrectly and cause problems. Using a hammer to slice a ham will obviously lead to issues but that doesn’t make the hammer a bad instrument.

    The only bad language or took one should never use is brainfuck
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    @TeachMeCode no we don’t agree on that. JS is like a toy hammer and not a good tool for anything but a circus maybe.
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    @Lensflare We did have actual Java for browsers - as Java applets.

    The problem was that the JVM load times were atrocious, they looked awful everywhere, and they never got the security container right. JS, especially after the addition of XHR, became the better tech in practice.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop js is the better tech but the worse language. Wasm will hopefully give us the best of two worlds.
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