How is algorithms still not regulated or monitored?

The shit that sometimes appear on TT or IG is downright fucked up.

  • 6
    because capitalism
  • 1
    how could something like that be regulated?

    I mean it can be regulated but how can anyone enforce it
  • 4
    don't use them, big deal. As if they made anyone but their benefactors feel something other than self-hatred and anxiety
  • 1
    @kiki Spot on. Ouch.
  • 2
    Apparently freedom is to dangerous and to smart for you. I think you will like tv more than internet. Tv is more regulated, you have a program you can follow and nothing will change for the whole week. Go watch TV and leave freedom of choice alone.
  • 2
    I would prefer government stay the fuck away from Information/Computer Science. Nothing good comes from that shit.

    Can you imagine having to worry about somehow creating an illegal algorithm when developing software? We already have patents to deal with.

    cop: "Sorry dude, you created an algo for the display of topics against the Algo Act of 2069. You now have a felony and 10 years jail time."

    programmer: "Its a fucking menu dialog for a lobby in a game."
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