
The client wanted to add "offline mode" to a massive webapp we had just completed.

  • 7
    Nothing that a hundred thousand dollars couldn't do it. Hahaha
  • 3
    Yup v2 $$$
  • 4
    *face palms* You asked for a web app!!
  • 1
    @kevbost I had a similar thing where I was asked to develop a web interface to book customer appointments and add meeting notes.

    Then I had can you make it work offline!

    Now it is an outlook plugin.

    Luckily it was at conception not after it had grown unwieldy
  • 1
    @philcr Starting making an application cache data is one thing, but retrofitting an entire app to download dependencies as an afterthought? Whatever, they paid us for it and now it takes 30s to load.
  • 1
    Unfortunately obvious things aren't that obvious to customers. And then it becomes a matter of life and death to them and has to be done RIGHT NOW.
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