rant === true

I despise university. Since I went there, I have stopped learning exciting and new technologies. Instead, I do mips, lisp and Java.

I mean I wouldn't mind java, but it's boring repetitive crap. Making stupid simulations - all the fucking time.

I can not be bothered to learn this shit anymore. It's not worth 9k a year.

I'm lost. I don't know what to do. I can not physically do this anymore.


Also, I hate this industry. All they want is a cs degree u til you have 2 years experience and then fuck it. It's a 50 k passport... wtf.

  • 3
    Do some research in to other courses/universities. You could probably jump ship. Speak to student union, get advice. better to move as soon as possible. Don’t waste any more time/money.
  • 0
    I'm more annoyed by the fact that I have to take English, Chemistry, and Physics.
    Math I can understand, but boy I glad to be done with calculus this semester (doing Polar Coordinates or something rn)

    I'm Also concerned with the final exam... Because every single midterm so far in COSC I've had to go to the Prof and point out the mark counting errors or point out why I shouldn't be deducted marks off a particular question.
    Today that happened and my mark for the test went from 74% to 100%
  • 1
    Think of it as a requirement. I greatly enjoyed my time at uni save for a couple or bs classes, but it will definitely help you!

    If you like studying on your own just keep going at it and put yourself ahead of the curve ,do not neglect your Java knowledge, shit can be amazing if you get into more advanced software architecture or if you study a framework such as Spring (btw Spring Boot is amazing and so is Spark)

    Just keep moving forward bro :)
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