Productivity hack - For me, it’s mostly a single word - planning. I wasn’t always good at it, definitely not yet a “master” of it, but breaking that proverbial elephant up into smaller pieces, and organizing a plan of action for dealing with them is the #1 productivity “hack” for me. Sorry that it’s not an actual shortcut, or anything…I personally don’t believe in those anymore. Complementary habits to this are thoroughly commenting code, having descriptive commit messages, file names, and variable names, maintaining documentation. Use that Readme.md. This is true of any project, even if I’m the only developer - never underestimate your own ability to totally forget shit.

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    yeah no, i agree.
    Whenever i plan stuff beforehand, i'm way kore productive, because I don't need to figure out, what to do, but how to actually solve the task at hand.

    One addition i do is, that i create a todo list, that is slightly longer than what i would be able to do anyways in the time frame, that i have. That triggers me going into some kind of "catching up" mode, where i try to get atleast something done, which keeps my productivity high.
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