
A few questions from a highschool student looking to go into a programming job post-secondary.

Did you go to college, university or jump right into it? Any regrets?

How did you get your first job?

I'm a little paranoid because while I'm great with programming and math (high 90 average) I am horrible with classes that require taking apart stories like English or history.

  • 1
    I didnt get that vibe @torbuntu Seemed like what the post wanted
  • 3
    @IllSlapU How exactly are you forced to do any of those things? This is one of those stupid political pictures that abuse the fact that most people won't actually think this through before they share them.
  • 0
    Did my 3 year diploma (finished exams 2 weeks ago) instead of my degree for logistical reasons, but I've been working all year in development as well. Having a paper behind the name will be an immense help.
  • 1
    Applied to numerous software developer jobs straight out of high school, could not even get an interview. Went to college for game development and learned absolutely nothing new, hell I feel like I got dumber from some of the stuff I heard there. Got a piece of paper and currently swimming in offers.....even after I accepted a job and updated all my resumes/linkedin/etc -.-

    Just my experience.
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