Teach me data structures and algorithms

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    You know, DSA is easy...

    Not our fault if your neural network doesn't have enough neurons to pick up simple mathematical concepts...

    Kidding. Just taking a jab at AIs.

    Not gonna say DSA ain't important, but 99% of the time, any dev can get by without extensive knowledge. It's true, though, that if you have any hope of promotion/improvement, it's a pretty much required step.
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    Chatgpt is your friend
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    @MammaNeedHummus do you mean, specifically, his friend?...

    cuz if not, I only see 3 realities here(leaving out the all-inclusive moron/highly misinformed, yet propagating):
    you're trying to fuck with him, playing a very long game(and/or testing the butterfly effect theory)to screw over future maintainers/fuck future tech... or are referring only to simple structures
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    Also, OP... you have a very low bar.

    I don't get why your silent posting of this low quality shit.
    I've gone through many theories, like:
    Trying to increase clicks to that page of web-dev horrors? Well, your links don't even have what every godaddy, wix, etc., template has-- basic analytics ability.
    Judging from your 'meme' posts or that site... which is worse than 7yr olds, in 1999, with ~4hrs of html instruction/practice, could make... I seriously any actual dev abilities, or really any communicative ability.

    There's a decent following of lemmings. You're clearly trying to monetise, yet you're in the single digits of profitability that almost all humans w/8th grade education (or equivalent) would.

    Most others end around the same note.

    I was trying to figure out the most blunt, least threatening/*whatever-PC-trends*, way to ask this... then, the yt music algo gave the answer, in german-- eh, its not like you know english
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    ughh get a life loser
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    I have the book about design patterns everyone has. Barely use that info. My software don't need it
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