
20 bucks is 20 bucks...

  • 2
    le upwork freelancers

    " i will do it for $20"
  • 3
    Did someone summon ostream?
  • 0
    @kanyewest the 20 bucks thing is a reference to another meme. They are not necessarily related. Posting a message or rant won't allow you to post a picture without text. So it is filler for the most part. The other meme says something like: I am not gay, but 20 bucks is 20 bucks.
  • 0
    @kanyewest also, inflation be hitting the memes too! I heard the 50 Cent rapper is now a dollar!
  • 3
    I like that I can use JavaScript everywhere, it’s a really versatile language.
  • 1
    javascript: Not even for three fiddy.
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