
Hey where is my favourite crazy mathematician nowadays?!? 😀
I miss your posts, so i demand my portions of Wisecrack, like a proper junkie! 😀
Hope You are ok, and everything is fine

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    2/0 = 0

    I have a court ruling in USA to prouve it.

    Long story short, teacher was telling kids that X /0 = 0. parents complained, court ruled in favor of teacher lol
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    @NoToJavaScript Is that for real ? 😳
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    @NoToJavaScript this reminds me of the case when pi has almost been changed to exactly 3.1 because of some stupid court/judge.
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    @NoToJavaScript I haven't seen anything on that. I heard about a principal getting involved, but nothing more than that. Not even sure that is real.
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    @NoToJavaScript it would be kinda funny if @wisecrack attempted a divide by zero on a quantum computer and opened a wormhole to Mathsland.
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    @Demolishun didn';t Intel has some bugs in early years ? Maybe early pentium or x286/386/486 with divisions ?

    Like it went into a blackhole on some conditions
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    @NoToJavaScript IIRC the Pentium did some operations wrong. Not sure which ones. Not sure about other chips.
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    @NoToJavaScript oh lawdy, court-mandated correct is the best sort of correct.
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    @Demolishun "Mathsland."

    Doesn't have enough cute elves to fuck.

    It's all white haired crones of men.

    Take what you can get!

    Like a really terrible isekai.

    But then all isekai is terrible by definition.

    I blame alice in wonderland for starting the trend.
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    also, its good to be back. Didn't realize anyone would even miss me.
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    @Wisecrack I subscribe to your rants even though I don't understand them 😂
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    @alturnativ Hey, half of them I don't understand either.

    It's like mr. robot, but I don't know anything about hacking.

    Have you heard about tropical algebra?


    I just wanted to shout it because it sounds fun.

    Like wearing hawaiian shirts while doing math.

    There may be some relations to polynomials in this representation on the tropical ring, with modular spaces via fourier transformation. Just an intuition.

    In six to eight hours I will have no clue what I was talking about. And half the time I don't.

    Hence mr. robot.

    In the meantime I'm glad you enjoy the rants man.

    If any portals accidentally open you're invited to jump through them with me along with figoore and a select few other stalwart companions.
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    @Wisecrack ahh man, this is original content, love it!
    This is what i missed in the last couple of months. Glad you are back my friend!
    Any portal opened just post a rant, and i will follow you through the rabbit hole
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    @figoore I return to this comment of yours occasionally when I'm feeling low energy, because it reminds me that there are still some people in the world with a sense of humor and that there are good things in life.

    ...Like perfectly timed memes.
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    it's an honor for me, and i’m happy if it helps you on your way to the best of mathematicians 😉 but after that achivement, i will ask you a favor… a favor which will take out my first nemesis… my elementary school math teacher…
    That bitch will learn some manners after i show her the Figoore-formula, which solves that thesis on the last topic in her class…

    Anyway, just keep us posted about that rabbit hole… this world seems a little boring, and climate change can heal it 😀
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    @Demolishun Well, I still rememver "Unreal mode" on x286 ;p

    where I had 1 MB of ram, but could access only 640k

    And turning "Protected mode" was an ass

    So you did "unreal" mode lol

    That was fun as fuck and useless ;p But fun ! Remember to have fun !

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    @figoore smack her around a little bit for me!

    Had multiple math teachers that hated my enthusiasm and tried to discourage me.
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    257 days since your last post.

    What, you been busy or something?

    Too busy for all of us on devrant?

    We're your real family.

    Drink the koolaid.

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    @Wisecrack I think it was actually Flavoraid. If you are going to be an autistic programming fuck then get the details right. ;-)
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    @Demolishun henceforth you will be our resident expert in all things cult and occult.
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