  • 8
    I like but would change login button color, it is too bright for the background
  • 5
    @gitpush agreed

    and if ur a freak, style that checkbox
  • 3
    @BambuSource yup that will give it a good style
  • 3
  • 1
    @watzon looks neat tho I liked light one more
  • 1
    @BambuSource light looks better. The button is too bright altough it does not mean it looks bad or anything. It looks nice and professional man :)
  • 2
    both are nice, light is better because the dark one has two dark things above each other, by that I mean the area where the user needs to focus is also dark with two white fields (aka bright) makes it harmful to look at IMO

    For light just use a light color but not a bright one because your main background is not bright dark (if that even counts lol)
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