
Making billion dollars inventions. But being too stupid to sell them.

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    Find someone who can handle your business side :D :D
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    People also never understand that games, applications, even websites are rarely made by one person.

    Sure the minecraft alpha was made by one developer, but it was just a cute tech demo, until he hired a team and turned it into a game.

    Of course, your next idea could be worth a billion, but to turn the idea-potential into a sellable company you'd most likely have to quit development, become an entrepreneur, hire underpaid teams, realign as lawful evil, backstab your friends, and lose most braincells during hour-long meetings for two years.

    For a tiny chance to get filthy rich.

    Being employed with a good salary and benefits is usually a better decision, unless you have a product you *really* believe in, and not just for the income.
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