
Had meeting with higher ups.

Higher ups sad work hasn't progressed as much as they want.

I look at my calendar.

Barely 15 mins free for the day for a small washroom break

  • 6
    I think it doesn't mean 'work more'. I think it means 'plan better and adjust expectations'
  • 3
    @netikras if the higher ups set the expectations its not much you could do, lowering expectations in that case is not an option.

    Sounds very much like unrealistic expectations and not enough resources.
  • 1
    @Voxera yeah this is it. I said what would be done in the specific quarter, they wanted more. I'm the only engineer...
  • 4
    @Voxera well if a higher-up expects to have the Moon in his back yard for a BBQ party this weekend, it's up to the ones executing it to set set the expectations right. I mean, the Moon might be reserved by someone else that week, so at least timeline corrections are in order
  • 1
    @netikras this is true, I have tried to communicate as much as I can, I'm also working on another project that has soaked my time equally, my own boss communicated to them that this would feed into me taking longer but apparently its an expectation for me to balance work and deliver both as the time they want, as opposed to what I drafted out in tickets to communicate the work involved
  • 2
    @pandasama in other words, your higher ups have already promised a deadline to their higher ups and do not dare to admit they did wrong :/
  • 0
    “I should have aid”
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