
I broke a bone in my hand yesterday and now my hand is in a cast. fuuuuckkkk...

  • 2
    Shieet man
    How'd you do such thing on the first place?!
    Well, quenched my finger last week. Couldn't get it our because the thingy was folded up and locked. Took other people to laugh first and then free me.
    Guess I surround myself with a healthy environment.
  • 3
    @scor it was the stupidest fucking thing. I was walking home carrying shopping, slipped and fell. Rather a lot of pain in my hand. Xray, cast and drugs later, here I am 😔
  • 2
    My new pass time is looking for switch games that can be played with one hand...
  • 2
    Bless, mate
    Get well soon
  • 5
    Time to learn tongue-typing.
  • 3
    @c3r38r170 my girlfriend is teaching me how to tongue-type the Bible
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