I just want to shoot myself. This happened to me today. I will replace the name of the person for privacy issues. i joined this company a week ago.

my question:

"hey [co worker name].
How can i install a tool on my sandbox. I'm not on the sudoers file. Have you used "ag", is awesome to search code and nicer than grep


is actually available as a centos package in the repo. 

the_silver_searcher.x86_64 : Super-fast text searching tool (ag)

but i don't have permission to install it

my co worker's response.

For that you would need first to create a presentation and show it to the team, explaining the benefits of that tool over what we have right now

That presentation you would show it to the team and from there we can do corrections and any other verifications in order to have a meeting with Jorge and DevOps to show them the presentation

  • 2
    I just installed ag, this is awesome!
  • 3
    LOL. of course, but i couldn't believe that i have to create a presentation + discuss it with the boss and devops so they gave me sudo access to install a simple cli search tool on my dev sandbox.
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