
What is bill gates the childfucker doing in my shit poor trash country🇷🇸 is he fking kids here too like on epstein island?

  • 4
    I really hate that cunt. He’s a true cunt through and through. His fucking tax funnelling foundation and fake care for humanity. CUNT!
  • 2
    Except Bill Gates isn't the CEO of Microsoft since 2014 and he's not even part of the board since 2020.

    So that building has nothing to do with Bill Gates anymore. The current CEO is Satya Nadella... If it sounds like an Indian name that's because it is. So maybe that's why
  • 2
    @Hazarth But he’s stil a CUNT
  • 2
    @helloworld Whether he is a cunt laundering taxes or not doesn't really matter as much since he actually donated literal billions, as in more than 50B to all sorts of causes and charities. Steve Jobs never donated anything and Jeff Bezos just barely donated barely 2B (but he did fly to space, so good for him I guess).

    Of all the rich cunts, Gates is one of the least cunt-y. Hell, over 88% of all donations to the World Health Organization are from Gate and Melinda Foundation. Say what you will, but words don't matter nearly as much as actions.
  • 2
    @Hazarth please don't confuse the conspiracy theorists with facts.
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