
Is there any language or framework I am guaranteed to get a job in if I learn right now?

I know this is a shot in the dark cuz if such did exist, every job seeking entrant would simply flock to it; but I don't know how developers switch between stacks. Off the top of my head, recommendation but what if such social capital is missing?

Some background: I built and published a php framework called Suphle (angry-cray-9c191b.netlify.app), which surprisingly neither got any users after a year nor impressed any php employer to hire me despite hundreds of applications sent out

Rather than throwing in the towel, I wish to switch to some other software stack but I don't know where to start, If with all my proven php experience, I'm unable to land any php roles. I have tried searching for nestjs and spring boot internships or junior but nothing comes up. I have run out of time to study a language I will never profit from

I have a flutter app on playstore, built together with a product designer who worked on the ui cuz my front end chops aren't strong. I will preferably continue in a back end environment but if I can solicit immediate employment, I don't mind brushing up on any available tech, be it devops or what have you. I've also worked with spring in a professional capacity, although a very turbulent one where the team we had issues ranging ranging from absence of adequate docs for something as basic as authentication, to using nosql (totally unnecessary), trying to separate codebase into different projects to mirror the real life department (this was my idea). I don't know if it's Conway's law but I decided project should be split into admin, user and common modules/repos since they were being worked on by different devs and had little in common. Unfortunately, there is no doc for importing/sharing local projects so we had more days chucked off

Anyway, I Built a react native app a lifetime ago. Been around the block a bit and pretty confident I won't take much time to get up to speed with a tech. Where do I go or how do I start? I stay in Nigeria so may be limited from on-site roles as well

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    I would say knowing spring boot is a good capability; I‘ve heard from several people who studied with me that their employer uses it and my next employer does so as well.
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    @possum unfortunately, there seems to be as much shortage of entry level openings as there is documentation and resources (libraries, up to date tutorials), to carry out the most mundane stuff

    Surprisingly though, I learnt automated testing via a video recorded for spring boot. It gets even weirder considering my distaste for studying programming through video

    Nevertheless, should such opportunity pop up, I'll grab it with both hands.
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    I've read some of your netflify app page. Nice.

    For people who don't want to type over on phone: angry-cray-9c191b.netlify.app

    Don't really like the PHP name spaces tbh. Class autoload ftw. Like Zend did before. Class names refers to path: Fuck_A_Duck would be translated to Fuck/A/Duck.php that contains the class.
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    @retoor it's actually hosted at suphle.com, just posted the permalink cuz the domain expires this month and I've run out of cash to renew it

    Thanks for the compliment. I've gotten it from laypeople and non-php developers. But the actual people with the knowhow to use it refused to review or try it out. It was supposed to be judged by this list of existing challenges https://dev.to/mmayboy_/...

    That's in the past though. My priority now is what the fastest route into a job is, even if it's just for a small project spanning a month to keep my head above water. I believe tons of coys out there could be overwhelmed with backlogs of pending projects
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    @Nmeri17 where are you from? No employers there?
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    @Nmeri17 nice, one user is already thinking about using your framework
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    @retoor excellent. They are free to reach out to me, in event of any confusion or challenges. Thank you. Any medium convenient for them is fine with me. They might also want to look this bootcampy article up https://nmeri.hashnode.dev/a-synops...

    I stay in Nigeria. I don't restrict my net to remote/foreign vacancies. But I haven't had much luck hence seeking greener pastures outwards
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    man, link to the source code, I can't judge you just from seeing a website
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    @kobenz Https://github.com/nmeri17/suphle

    I don't share that first since:

    1) nobody is contributing to it

    2) majority have to first comprehend what the finished product does and how it works

    3) the internals' aesthetics should not determine the usefulness of the externals. They are mutually exclusive

    I'm being defensive here cos I had an unpleasant experience last time I was asked to advertise the source, cuz it didn't match psr standards. Whereas there are tons of features targeted by this blueprint https://dev.to/mmayboy_/..., important implementations that should actually impact software quality. Yet, that community glossed over them and focused on coding patterns
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    "Is there any language or framework I am guaranteed to get a job in if I learn right now?

    " - no, there never was, there never will be.

    technology does not correlate with the job market.

    the tl;dr of all relevant advise anyone could give you:

    don't learn a language.

    don't learn a framework.

    learn how to write software.

    all the key skills for this are language-agnostic.
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    @Nmeri17, I feel you, bro. I'm reading it right now. It's good, looks like you've poured a fuck ton of effort in it. It doesn't look like easy maintenance though, that's a red flag that might be driving job opportunities and contributors away.
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    I'm surprised nobody has recommended freelancer or fiverr yet. I just had an epiphany that such platforms are structured exactly to bail out someone like me, in need of immediate employment

    The snag is those streets are run by paki contractors and Indian agencies with overpowered portfolios that always get picked over small accounts like mine. Your bids sink to the bottom and the site asks you to pay to boost it or pay for some certifications

    I'm out here gasping and panting. I will sing and dance if that's what it takes for one of you to entreat this penury off my doorstep. Any spare project. Let me try get some of that workload off your desk
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