
Dear XCode I hope you fucking burn in hell you piece of shit! can't do anything without that shit either indexing, or freezing, or crashing!

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    When I got Apple laptop, I had so much expectations from XCode...

    Started Swift... enjoyed xcode...

    Came to my ❀️ C++...
    Xcode went nuts

    Never saw Xcode again 😌😌😏😏
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    @Electrux but you have a mac book, shouldn't that have an SSD? Are you saying xcode is even as shit as it is on HDD?
    *tries not to break work mac* -.-
    And I thought that poor thing is slow ass because of the slow ass 5400 RPM hdd ....
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    @gitpush it’s not slow... it just doesn’t support most of code completions for C++
    Not to mention the big project that I gotta make when all I wanna do is a crappy college assignment ☹️
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    @Electrux almost broke the mac infront of me lol
    I just hate that there is no other fucking IDE that can handle storyboard design, XCode is shit and apple is being ignorant when not trying to fix that shit, everytime it crash I send "another crash from a shit IDE" in the bug report -.-
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    @gitpush lmao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    I stopped relying on IDEs... text editors FTW 😁
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    @Electrux good luck editing this in a text editor T_T


    (Can't post image on website that's why I included a link :\)
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    @gitpush 😱😱😱😱
    I take it back... that code shouldn’t be allowed to exist at all!!!
    (Like I am to say... lol my code looks trash too πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)
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    @Electrux no no no that shit is the ultimate trash, it takes ages to render πŸ˜’
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    @gitpush lol that sucks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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