What my parents think I do to fix the wifi vs. What I actually do

  • 16
    you are a noob, why reset? just unplug then plug in again :3
  • 16
    I’m so lazy I restart it from the browser. The damn router is across the room. I’m not getting up.
  • 4
    @Alice on the routers I used (TP-Link, Cisco, Thomsen) that button resets to factory default, reconfiguration is required after using it, don't know why people tend to use it more than just using the power button of simply unplug and plug in again
  • 2
    There's a reset button??
  • 4
    Also, why do you need html with inline JavaScript to reset the router? :D. Colored one.
  • 2
    @fyroc im too lazy to do that from browser ui, using telnet for it
  • 2
    Too far for the button; web-interface to soft reboot usually does it...
  • 4
    I usually order a new router with installation service.
  • 0
    @insanealec no but I think that might be the way I start doing it 😂
  • 0
    Does WinNuke still work on anything these days? Quick reset 🤔
  • 0
    Why the fuck are you messing with keywords?
  • 0
    @Alice they're on every device
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