
> When the intern claims that nginx is serving more request than apache

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    .... then HTTP
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    I use Kestrel for my .net core stuff, should I stay or move to others? Haven't tested it yet in real life services though
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    @gitpush this benchmarks are a good reference since it hugely depends on the type of requests https://github.com/aspnet/...
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    @Hammster thanks man I'll check them 😀
  • 12
    I'd still trade Apache for nginx at any time 😘
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    Not ANY time right? ;)
  • 10
    @Linux Let me rephrase: At any point where I'd to make a choice between apache/nginx, I'll go for nginx ;)
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    And sometimes you are forced to use Apache ;)
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    @Linux At work we mostly use Apache indeed. I don't mind using Apache at all, I just prefer nginx :)
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    Understandable :)
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    @linuxxx Soooo... Postgres or MySQL/MariaDB?
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    What are the advantages of nginx over apache? Never cared to look into nginx so far as I allways used apache (for like the last 10years so far). Are there real advantages (I mostly use PHP when working woth web related stuff)
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    @vortexman100 I'd personally go for MySQL/Maria DB, although I've to admit that Postgres has some cool features (and I'm kind of worried about the differences in new MariaDB and MySQL releases, or more like the support in frameworks...)
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    MariaDB is a drop-in-replacement for MySQL basically
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    Depends, if you have a high traffic website - you should consider nginx!

    Otherwhise, it does not really matter
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    @Linux For the average non-clustered database without things like json queries. Ugh, drop in replacement my ass.

    When starting on a fresh project, I'd pick good old stable postgres.
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    Oh wait this was about webservers.
    php -S of course.
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    Then I have delt with some good devs then. They have not had any single problem with migrating between.
    Also, MySQL and MariaDB - same author.
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    @Linux Same founder, but mysql is now maintained by the devil, with MariaDB still being a bit in flux.

    I mostly had problems with our replication cluster, json columns and query methods, some stored procedures and ddm proxy layers.
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    Oracle yes, that is why MariaDB is better.

    You mean galera?
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    Oh c'mon, now you're just picking fights for no reason. Nginx is able to handle more connections.

    Aaaaand go.
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    @Wack nginx handles connections a lot better. In our testing (this has been two years, it might have changed), you could throw connections at nginx all day and it's use of system resources was almost constant while Apache shit the bed after so many (I wanna say 100k or 10k). But our environment only used the web layer for proxy pass-ing to our java application servers.
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    @bittersweet ++ for the devil comment
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    It does indeed, but the difference in not that big anymore as it used to be.
    Especially if you run PHP, many do the mistake to run php as a module in apache when it is much better to run php-fpm and proxy the request to it.
    Our issue has not been apache at all, but shitty php code that leaks memory in huge quantities.

    Also, being a hostingprovider we do have shared hosting. Apache have .htaccess wich is quite necessary when it comes to that.

    BUT, if you have a high traffic website that does not need to change the rewrite rules that often - Nginx is the way to go no doubt :)
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    And yes, and just wanted to provoke ;)
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    Has anyone ever run Caddy Server (https://caddyserver.com) in production or tested it? Kind of curious how it performs in comparision to apache or nginx. (Specially when it comes to php)
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    I have not tried it. I think @linuxxx has and @inpothet has run it too - I think
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    Caddy is the only webbserver that support QUIC also, kinda handy if you want to do some streaming
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    @Linux are you sure, that it's the only? (Sorry article is in German) https://www.cyon.ch/blog/QUIC

    Cyon is a hoster in Switzerland (my personal favorite ;)). As far as I know, thay use CloudLinux with a LiteSpeed Webserver (if I'm not wrong it uses Apache under the hood). They support it too.

    Edit: just found this: https://litespeedtech.com/products/... seams that litespeed supports QUIC
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    Oh yeah, Litespeed and Openlitespeed supports it too :) But Caddy was first :)

    Btw, I am half german ;)
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    @Linux We used both Apache and nginx. We didn't have any php though, everything was java. Apache worked for us and so did nginx. But really for a web server that wasn't processing any code and instead just serving static content sometimes and proxy pass-ing everything else, we ran a ridiculous load off of 11 Apache servers. Pretty much every single java application in the Enterprise and never had problems with the web layer. The application layer on the other hand is where pretty much all of our problems would crop up, as gilfoyle would say because of peoples shitty code.
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    @Linux I've used it a few times to test :)
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    @linuxxx thoughts about it?
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    @Wack Caddy you mean?
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    @Wack It's awesome! The fact that you have to put effort into NOT having a secure connection in this day and age is very good.

    The configuration is easy and straightforward, awesome server.

    Although I'm still an nginx fan :P
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    @linuxxx what's the advantage of nginx in your eyes?
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    @Wack I'm just used to it and I find it's configuration very nice to work with :)
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