Me: the websites now works on all devices.
Client: now make it work on IE6.
*1 week later*
Me: the site now works on IE6 too.
Client: awesome, now make it work on Netscape navigator 5

  • 11
    I put it in my contract, browser support limited to last 3 years prior, if they want to go beyond that, they have to pay.
  • 2
    but in terminal the website displays its source code, I need to be able to access it from terminal too, make sure to fix your CSS to work with terminal :3
  • 7
    It ain't finished if it doesn't work on Nintendo 3DS browser
  • 5
    Next make it work on Nokia 1100
  • 0
  • 1
    @thevariableman Yeah WAP FTW! 😂
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