
Dad: Yo b2plane!!!!!🤬🤬😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬

B2plane: what

Dad: i just went to toilet and i saw ur shit floating in it. Why dont u flush the toilet!?!?🤬🤬

B2plane: i did

Dad: then flush it again! Look how huge ur shit is! U always shit and never flush the toilet. Stop letting shjt float around💩💩💩

Shit thing is i always fucking flush the toilet after shitting but my shit is way too big and fat that not even toilet can flush it! And nobody believes me, everyone thinks i just shit and dont flush like im a barbarian!

  • 8
    well you flush without checking, that's worse than not flushing at all, you super-barbarian.
  • 8
    If there is still brown,

    Stay and make it go down.
  • 2
    Buy a better toilet
  • 0
    @tosensei i flush and check and looks good. But shit somehow pulls back up after 15-20 seconds and stands there at the bottom of the toilet water, visible
  • 1
    This is ur girlfriend speaking:

    You are late to the appointment of my weekly shoe cleaning😠. When you’re a bad boy and you don’t lick my shoes👠 clean, u know imma have to tie you up and give you some red skin… 👏
  • 0
    @b2plane well, the list of reasons why you should _sooner rather than later_ visit a proctologist now covers multiple volumes..
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