
So we work in sprints of two weeks, we are two people in our team, in the beginning, we get assigned work and we continue to work on it the rest of the week, but sometimes my manager adds last minute tasks or makes it so whatever i was currently working on is not important anymore after i have already cut a long shot through it
But anyways i understand thats how work is, but what seems to happen now as well is that i finish all the work assigned to me early so i can work on any bug fixes that may arise from such features or old bugs, so then for example he gives task 1,2,3,4 to me and task 5,6,7,8 to my colleague which is ahead of me in rank but not my leader per se, she has more experience as she worked in another company for 7 months before and i never worked before , but then i finish my work by the middle of second week and he ends up adding some of her tasks to me and forces me to finish them fast as he thinks they are no big deal (hes also a non technical manager) so i am always racing to finish whatever he throws at me last minute and ending up getting the blame if i dont finish those last minute tasks, also if i take vacation and come back instead of giving me tasks to do he just gives me bugs of recent features that was done by my colleague while im on vacation
And when i confronted him about it that at any point in time whenever i check how much work is left for me and my colleague, she has less work than me, he said “i will skip all this because you got this wrong” and then continued to just ask me to do more things on the weekend day
Ofc so i tried to make sure i dont finish my work before time so he doesnt do that
But instead he ends up blaming me and saying i should have finished

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    It's not a sprint if there are constantly new things being added.

    You are being mismanaged and it shouldn't be tolerated. Find something else.
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    I think they know you're faster and giving you grief to hide their own incompetence

    pretend a burnout or something, or fake illness or bereavement, slow down your work, and don't outshine them again. they sound passive aggressive

    don't be honest. they don't sound like they can handle that. sorry
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