
Python is so ridiculously easy and fast to write, I'm just waiting for the release where you just say:

def main():
make_program("RegExParser", "fast", "fancy")

And that's it...

  • 4
    You know me 😊

    Yeah, Python is so easy! The syntax is good because it just makes sense, good luck with your endeavours!

    I hope to see this update in Python 4 😛
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    Python 2 sucked, but since Python 3, I absolutely love it!
  • 6
    That's because python programs are usually small and writing small programs is easy. The syntax is definitely good, but don't think it's magic
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    I don't think I've ever written a Python program with < 400 lines. My current project, Firecoder (ASCII/UTF-8 data encryptor) sits at 833 atm (including whitespace)
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    Like I need anything to encourage my god complex..
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    Forgive me the subjective nature of 'small', as 833 epitomizes
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    Yeah I love Python's simple syntax!

    Y = (lambda x: (lambda p: x(lambda a: p(p)(a))) ((lambda p: x(lambda a: p(p)(a)))))
    A = lambda f: lambda x: (x*f(x-1) if x > 0 else 1)
    B = lambda f: lambda n: 0 if n == 0 else (1 if n == 1 else f(n-1) + f(n-2))
    [ Y(A)(x) for x in range(100) ]
    [ Y(B)(x) for x in range(100) ]

    It's so pleasing on the eyes... 🙃
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    @bittersweet lamdas is a special topic ok its own, you cheated!
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    @mundo03 Yeah just trolling. Although I would appreciate shorter & clearer lambda notation in Python.
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    @bittersweet Still more readable than what you'd do in C#
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    @coolq Do you know what will be in Python 4?
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    First off, we aren't exactly sure when we will be seeing python 4.
    Some people think it will be at least a decade, others this it will be within two years, after Python 2 becomes officially outdated.

    Also, we are not sure how Python will transition. It could be a snap or a gradual change.

    Riding the bandwagon that Python 4 will be a big update, here is some speculation and ideas I have gathered over the years:
    1). JIT as first class (confirmed in PEP-523)
    2). Shortening Pythons startup time. Currently 3.7 takes around 3 times longer than 2.7
    3). Stable first release. Python 3 shipped with numerous bugs, which were ironed out over time, but turns some people away
    4). Static type hinting
    5). Speed up named tuples.
    6). More GPU utilisation for multiprocessing.
    7). Refractoring CPythons API.

    People are also hoping that with CPython now on GitHub that the community will start to contribute to Python as well.
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    @coolq I think Python's version split has caused way too much damage in the past, so it would be good if they tried to do things differently, more gradual and roadmapped, with 4.

    I also dislike the authoritarian "Great Leader Guido" atmosphere, which in my opinion is one of the reasons for the many spinoff interpreters.

    They should focus on gradual feature upgrades with crystal clear roadmaps, a "council of experts" leadership with strong wider community involvement, and a priority on clean & simple parallelization syntax.
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    Ye, I agree.

    I think while the authoritarian leadership approach worked at the start, there are so many features and requests to be added that they should really just involve the community. Also, it always feels like I'm a consumer watching development, it would be nice if I could contribute.

    And yeah, version 3 caused a massive divide in the community. Tools became outdated faster, suddenly have to learn new syntax, millions of small changes..etc.

    That said, it's always exciting when new features come out with a bang. But for the sake of the language, I think it would be better if it changes gradually.
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    I hate to be that person... Wait, no I don't. Ruby > Python. Let the war begin.
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