Damn i had to use windows yesterday, it was awful. I was coding for 3 hours without saving and the out of the blue, windows decided to not update because i have the mental capacity to press 3 buttons to schedule updates to 6am when i dont use my pc.

  • 1
    Damn you are smart :O
  • 5
    Why U No save? 😓
  • 1
    @CurseMeSlowly who the fuck saves stuff in 2017
  • 2
    @BindView I still have to. Because of unpredictable power supply, internet connection and mostly due to my shitty fate 😑
  • 2
    I don't get that.
    How is that possible?
    JetBrains products automatically save almost every time you touch a button. VS.Code I've set up to save on focus out, since it drastically decreases development time.
    My work is probably saved at least once per minute.

    How the f*** is it possible not to save for 3 hours unless it's an RPG game where you're still customizing the character?
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