
There is an easter egg in chrome devtools behind a colorful icon.

I just want to say fuck you to whoever wrote that message

  • 2
    Eggsactly how I feel
  • 5
    Sounds like First Chrome problems.
  • 4
    Couldn't be arsed looking for it because I knew it would be shit.

    Googled how to find it.

    Found it.

    And lo, it is shit.
  • 0
    Because that is what we need. More goddamn distractions in chrome developer tools.
  • 1
    damn, @Demolishun, so dad I barfed lol 😆
  • 0
    Do you know how many dead bodies are back there because of your fucked up fire mission?

    Seriously google, chromium developers whoever the fuck you are stop 🛑
  • 1
    Long story short friendly fire from google developers causes everyone else to lose focus.
  • 0
    Public developer masturbation. We don’t want to see it.
  • 0
    @donkulator as long as you googled it
  • 0
    I have a better idea:

    Say "fsck you" to the Mr. Einstein who had the idea to copycat "pull to refresh" from the Twitter app.
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