Well, maybe a year ago when I tried to learn JavaScript, I named my dir "Java" just because I wanted to shorten JavaScript -_- when it saw my dev classmate he was laughing af and he still reminds me that

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    @naktop3031 ofc 😂😂
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    That's for being a noob and not shortening JavaScript as JS
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    This was a conversation I had years ago with the first developer I knew in person...
    Me: So what language do you use?

    Other: JavaScript

    Me: Cool, so what do you make with Java?

    Other: No, I use JavaScript and I make web applications.

    Me: Aren't Java and JavaScript the same thing?

    Other: No completely different languages...

    For the next couple months I didn't really believe him because how could two languages sound so similar, yet be that much different...
    Years later and I still cringe..
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    @tisButABug uncomfortable 😂😂
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    U could have named it JS. But clearly u were having some bad luck that day
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    @SuryaK i know, i was noob 😂😂
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