
Got ncmpcpp/cava/mpd working! (if you're wondering why it's ubuntu, just read a few rants ago :'^> ) and loving it. i gues i'll just open this up for people to post rices or any sort of pretty config. i still shill arch, just not if you like steam and have an nvidia graphics card! i'm in school and i don't really have time to sit down and learn what i broke and how to fix it, even if its a minor issue.

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    Antergos has install scripts for both Steam native and Nvidia drivers :D
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    @olback i still gotta check into those
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    @olback ubuntu is serving me well rn
  • 2
    I must agree with you! Ubuntu just fucking works!
    Only a couple of hours and I got this setup. I fucking love Linux!
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    I use a window manager although this setup was done manually
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    @MasterSwagMan nice window theme! yeah, for learning purposes i liked arch a LOT. installing stuff usually takes less time than ubuntu, as well - for school and stuff i need a stable machine for, ubuntu is my answer for now.

    which desktop environment / wm are you using
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    Tried elementary os but I realized that I was changing every bit of it.. also it’s very unstable..
    So I turned to Ubuntu and modified it.
    I’m using openbox as my DM
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    Cool specs and config!
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