
Abs of the day: COBOL

  • 8
    this does not spark joy
  • 4
    it's easy to judge the language of bygone eras with the lessons we learned from those very eras. What bugs me about COBOL is that its philosophy consists of one sentence marketing fluffs that are easy to refute if we begin to construct a logical framework to think about it. Its contemporaries were already realizing that syntax is a fact when COBOL sold very long Latin letter operators as "basically English".
  • 2
    One positive I can say about COBOL is that it's easy to virtualize; I have no doubt that this was the central reason why it stuck around for so long.
  • 3
    Looking at Cobol…
  • 0
    I always get picked on due to usage of languages like cobol... it's not like im writing shit in fortran. That's just the scary low % that know what cobol is enough to even be guessing it's a language.
  • 1
    Brings me back to the days i could just be relaxing with a big black screen, writing stuff, without needing to boot into WinRe to do it.

    ...yea, i may have done that...
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