
So few of you will know that I was a bit wasted last night (Monday night). Few of you will also know I was having trouble with my new linux installation. (POP!_OS)

After troubleshooting this and that, I gave up. I believe my hardware just doesn't wanna pop. So I installed manjaro xfce.

This morning I woke up with my laptop beside me with a locked screen. I entered the password I remember I setup. Wrong. I entered all usual passwords I normally use. All wrong.

😖 😖 😖

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    It gets better btw. The last image on my usb stick is not manjaro but solus 😑

    Not only the password, I totally forgot the whole process of what I finally installed.
  • 2
    @JonnyCodewalker wrong distro install drunk, drunk. 😓
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    @JonnyCodewalker my autopilot mode has always been strong. I still had my consciousness when I drunk. Can perform all activities if I wanted. I only forget them at next morning.
  • 1
    I'm wasted lets hope I have better luck :D
  • 2
    @MisterArie now I know the mystery behind Mister Arie's ++s bomb 😂

    Thank you. Let me return the favor now.
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