
All parts of the body were having a meeting one day to choose who should be tagged as the leader.

Legs: We should be in charge because we literally carry the whole body the entire day, and without us, nobody is going anywhere.

Asshole: Without me, we cannot get rid of all the things we don't need anymore. I deserve to be in charge.

Brain: Hold up, guys, hold up. Feet, you can't move unless I tell you to move, and you can't even figure out how to put one foot over the other. Asshole, all you do is open and close; you don't even know how things are made. You have nothing to say here.

(The feet agreed, but the asshole took it personally. So he decided to go on strike and stop working for three days. The entire body went into chaos, and they pleaded with the brain for several hours.)

Brain: Okay, Asshole! You can be in charge.

The moral of the story is that sometimes an asshole is in charge not because they're the smartest ones for the position, but because sometimes assholes are in positions of power.

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