
Attack well

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    Only if you are a cunt.
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    70% of what people say is some dumb shit that is attacking you away from your goals or worldview at all times

    they don't get to know you first then build up on what you know / they know of you, but attack themselves via telling you shit you didn't ask for and doesn't fit into the things you setup as "true" prior but just lecturing you about some shit they're actually just saying as part of their internal introspective dialogue but for some reason decided to assume you were guilty of the same crimes they have been even though you're two totally different people and they probably should think silently to themselves instead

    and somehow this strategy works cuz humans flock like birds or something. maybe cuz feeling guilty, broken, wrong is rampant and people just love being told their sins so they can feel like if they follow these religious precepts maybe they'll feel better, or at least if the advice is shit at least their sin is their fault for being lazy and they have some control
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    @kanyewest did you see what I did there? I was hoping you would see the irony.
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    @Demolishun I didn't, I'm sorry 😭😭
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    @kanyewest I was calling you a cunt, it was an attack. I myself was doing a cunty thing. So I was following your advice. Trying to be funny.
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    @Demolishun Ohh...

    The post itself was a joke. But I took your comment personally. Feelings were damaged.
  • 1
    @kanyewest just given you shit. You know you are my bro.
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