
Did an online test for a position as a front-end developer using React.

I started it and proceeded to initiate the first challenge: write a component that is a button that, when clicked, toggles its text between ON and OFF. Makes sense, easy enough.

Second challenge, write a fucking shit of a function that takes the second highest number and reorders it in some shitty way. Something like 12452 becomes 12542 or some shit like this.

I stopped right there. How's that relevant for the position, motherfucker? And that's considered "medium", being the second challenge of 4. What's next? Replicate Margaret Hamilton's whole codebase in JavaScript?

Provide tests that are relevant for the position I am applying to, dumbfuck.

  • 0
    Fuck all these assessments.

  • 1
    the whole testing culture is bizarre. If you're hiring with experience, that's a better test than anything anyone could come up with. If you're hiring fresh out of school, the candidate has already been tested more thoroughly than you ever could test them. If you're hiring an intern the only thing you should be testing for is basic maths skills.
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