
So... it's break time.

I just was eating fries with ranch... dipped my fingers in the ranch as if they were holding fries...then immediately hit Ctrl + z.
Took me a few seconds to realise why it didn't work.

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    It sucks when you can’t undo fries and get onion rings instead
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    @TeachMeCode i dont typically have fries or fast food... i was extra busy so i got a veggie burger with bacon and swiss. And fries(cajun) from baggar daves when i ordered groceries. It ended up wasting tons of time cuz of the doordash person apparently not understanding simple directions or the concept of asking an employee where things are, multiplied by what i can only assume is a very specific glitch in the app.

    About a yr ago they added auto-translate to the app based solely on the device locale settings... no UI way to change it on my end or support's. So despite the app itself being in english, all dasher msgs come in german.

    At first i thought it was amusing... then i realised i totally tune the msgs out when busy coding(so basically anytime i order shit) cuz i know it's someone a couple miles away, non-german... so german msgs are filtered out as 'not currently important'. Theyre remarkably well trans'd. Now im just not getting any notifs aside from the main app ones.
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    @awesomeest music vid for YOU


    Fast food hamburgers are lab grown beef abstract with shredded lamb testicles
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    @awesomeest I’ve had dashers steal my food by marking as delivered and making zero attempt to make it to me. I just simply request a refund, it’s easy to do and assume they must really need those nachos which they couldve bought themselves with the tip anyways!!! I would hate to get them fired or deleted from DoorDash bc I’m not sure if they have any skillset or smart enough to acquire a skillset to land a decent career and salary, and I’m not calling the police for food. I simply don’t want anyone to starve bc of me.
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    @TeachMeCode this is indictative of how/why those people exist
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