
LOL this showed up, the bar is a removed sign, the dot is an error sign, but together I got a "!" which makes it even more weird cuz the error is there because of those removed lines.

geez, I'm so silly

  • 0
    pretty colors
  • 1
    @jestdotty thank you very much, it's custom made from me to myself. I made it so it has tons of contrast but without the eye strain
  • 1
    I've also highlighted the syntax so that I can know what I'm looking at without actually reading. It does make bad code much more apparent tho... Don't know if that's a perk
  • 1
    I like all those things

    contrast lets my eyes see better (I even get high contrast monitors and shit)
    and colors makes registering what you're looking at faster

    we are one with the matrix 🤖
  • 0
    @kobenz mind sharing the color theme, or do you want to gatekeep it ;)
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