
Sales: We NEED to view the minutely data but showing 10 years of data at a time
Me: you do realise that would be like 2 days of data per pixel even on one of largest monitor resolutions
Sales: your a clever guy I'm sure you can work something out
Me: well I can consolidate the data so you ...
Sales: No we need to see the temperature for every minute

  • 2
    @vinerz 😂😂😂 if you were my boss I would have killed you already
  • 0
    Like wtf. Is working for a company always that shitty? How, as a software developer, am I supposed to invent new technology that can't even be achieved by people who are specialized... I just,cant get over jt
  • 6
    In the end I coded it so I work out how many points I can fit per pixel hen show the average value, then as you zoom in I re calculate. Now I have to optimise the code as each frame takes 240ms to calculate/draw.
  • 4
    @dayo send me your CV you deserve better. 😂😂😂
  • 1
    Color code the temps. Plot each day as a line vertically(60*24px tall), and plot all days horizontally(365*10px long). Scale by 0.5, and allow zoom. Bam.
  • 1
    That still needs a 3650x1440 monitor, we have to support down to iPad :/

    Plus there are 8 different data types (with varying y axis ranges) and the user can add as many devices as they have. I managed to explain that for a 10 year graph tho 5 devices would be the max as that is still like 500mb of data.
  • 3
    Of course you should be able to draw blue lines with red ink !
  • 0
    Humanity is broken...
  • 2
    Sounds like they are afraid of losing information by using averages. In finance, this data visualization problem is solved with candlestick charts that show open-high-low-close (OHLC) so you still have a sense of outliers. Start with week for each candle and allow for zoom to minutes and they should get what they need
  • 1
    @trogus great solution I barely remembered that this was solved and couldn't remember where I had seen it before. You just saved me hours of agony trying to remember 😂
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