
http response 418 - just made my day

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    i always try to sneak in that response to any project im working on.
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    @mattwebdev in what way? If something goes wrong/correct? Can't think of any use case...
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    I just read about it. Is it meant to be used when someone requests something that's not possible?
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    @jirehstudios looked into the wiki and it has/should be used when someone posts a get for an coffee to a coffee machine and the machine can't fullfil it.
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    @SirWindfield it mentions the teapot which obviously can't make coffee. So I'm guessing it's meant for when someone request something that's impossible.
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    @jirehstudios oh ye, I missed that one. ^^
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    @SirWindfield when I'm building an endpoint and someone requests something that endpoint doesn't know about.

    for example if someone requests 'lion' from an endpoint that returns music by genre... I'm going to return 418.

    also, because it's funny.
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