
I love reading code samples where the author was clearly very talented and up to the task, but had clearly used a different language up until that point, so they write with a strong accent. The C# codebase I'm working on right now for example had clearly been written by Delphi programmers

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    me too. That's nice
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    var x, y, z,...;
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    @Ranchonyx not var, never var! Full type names everywhere
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    @lorentz I blame my ex-colleague's code
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    @Ranchonyx no I mean in the Delphi accent. I think var is great, personally, and I only ever spell out the type if it's unexpected for some reason.
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    I still notice a C and Perl accent in my code, but most noticeable is the Ruby accent when I use any other language.

    It is kind of neat to see those in other people’s code — unless it’s Java. Java patterns are just so awful.
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