
Task: blinking light.

Boomers: One lightbulb, one bimetallic strip.

Zoomers: LED (D13), Atmega328P, Atmega328, 5V, 16MHz, 2KB SRAM, 32KB flash, 1KB EEPROM, FT232RL, 19.0mm x 43.18mm, 16 analog pins, 14 digital I/O pins, 6 PWM pins, 2 resettable fuses, 8MHz external crystal, 16MHz external crystal, 12MHz crystal, 0.5mm pitch, 0.1 inch headers, 1.27mm pitch headers, mini-USB, 3.3V regulator, 5V regulator, 16MHz ceramic resonator, 1N5819 Schottky diode, 47uF capacitor, 100uF capacitor, 10uF capacitor, 100nF capacitor, 0.1uF capacitor, 22pF capacitor, 1N4007 diode, 10K resistor, 4.7K resistor, 330 ohm resistor, 10uH inductor, 27 ohm resistor, 2x3 ICSP header, reset button, LED (D13), green LED, red LED, yellow LED, 6-pin header, 8-pin header, 28-pin DIP socket, 6-pin FTDI header, ceramic resonator, USB mini-B socket, 16MHz oscillator, M7 diode, LDO voltage regulator, 3.3V regulator, 5V voltage regulator, polyfuse, 22pF capacitors, 100nF capacitors, 10uF capacitors, 47uF capacitors, 100uF capacitors, 1N4007 diode, 1N5819 Schottky diode, 16MHz resonator, 0.1uF capacitor, 330 ohm resistors, 27 ohm resistors, 4.7K resistor, 10K resistor, 10uH inductor, 22pF capacitor, mini-USB connector, 8-pin header, 6-pin header, 2x3 ICSP header, reset button, ceramic resonator.

  • 4
    (an arduino nano bill of materials)
  • 7
    And yet the Arduino is still cheaper than even a regular incandescent bulb. Modern electronics are a fucking miracle.
  • 4
    Gen X: one self-blinking LED.
  • 5
    Siri, make the light blink!
  • 2
    @donkulator nah, we just let Michael J Fox hold the wires.
  • 0
    @galena where? because lightbulbs are way cheaper than ardiunos where I live…
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    As a xenial i have all that genZ shit in my box but wondering, like genX, how can i make it without using all that shit because its an overkill.

    Still thinking but doing nothing about it.

    That's why xenials === wasted generation
  • 2
    @kiki Well if you dont get one directly from Arduino. Aliexpress has them for like ~2$. The cheapest incandescent bulb I could find on galaxus.ch (Swiss Amazon) is 2.50$.
    If we are looking at a genuine arduino we are looking at ~20$. At this point the bulb wins. Even a LED bulb is cheaper, maybe even one with smart bs. Add a thermal switch from distrelec into the mix. You are looking at 5$ for that. Which is still better than a genuine Arduino. Now this is just considering cost. Add flexibility into the blinking or reliability. Then its a different game.

    And yes! I work alot with BOM's for electronics.
  • 0
    @galena a lightbulb is $0.25 where I live
  • 0
    @kiki 😳😳😳 That explains alot...
  • 1
    @kiki Wow that’s cheap.
    They’re about $2.50 here, too.
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