
greed is addiction to acquiring resources
lust is addiction to experiencing sex
gluttony is addiction to consuming food

wonder if historically people added sins over time as they discovered them
perhaps modern era is stuck in a fugue addiction to amassing knowledge, something quite difficult to do to a destructive degree before internet era
so much so they forget to use it
like greedy people don't value their resources and forget to utilize them
like lusty people don't value their mates and forget to emotionally bond to them
like gluttonous people don't value their food and forget it's for health

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    then pride implies an addiction to dominance
    wrath an addiction to defense
    envy an addiction to competition
    and sloth an addiction to having a moment of peace

    wasn't there once avarice? or was that greed. here I was hoping the conclusion would be that stealing is ok as long as you're not addicted to it!
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    Maybe you're just finding that sins are some sort of NP-Complete class of problems, and they all can be converted to one another so much that if one is solved all are solved.
    That... is not a new concept. Yogis say that the escape from the samsara is to have such neutral karma that you stop being bound to earthly things. Including lust, greed, thirst, hunger...
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