
I am a big fan of the Go programming language. I really am. From syntax to the purpose and everything in between, I dig the language. I normally use it as a hobby language. My escape from my daily dosis of php, js and Java.....or when my workplace insists on believing that I am a designer instead of a developer........I am definitely not a designer....I am super slow at design.

But back at my main topic! Go. The language is cool, the environment is cool and it is booming here in the states.......can we PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH CHERRIES ON TOP change the stupid mascot logo? I swear that thing looks absolutely fucking retarded. Much like the Perl 6 Mascot......I know this is a small thing but looking at that stupid "gopher" really irritates the fuck out of me. Coolest logo ever? Rust or Python really.

  • 3
    I agree with you that the logo of Rust is awesome.
    But I definitely don’t agree that the Python logo is nice.

    I also think the Go logo is pretty good.

    BTW: It’s from the same designer who made the bunny-logo for Plan9. Neat.
  • 3
    @spky how is a retarded looking hamster good? I guess this is really subjective. But why make it so childish? And the designer makes no difference to me, it could have been anyone and still they made the logo look like that to attract what? 5 year olds?

    This is what the new Go mascot will be:
  • 2
    @AleCx04 The designer doesn’t really matter, you are right.
    But she did a very good job on the Plan9 logo and the Go logo I think.

    Taste is always different from person to person, so better not argue there 🙃
  • 1
    @spky while I agree that taste is different from person to person there is such thing as bad taste man :P not saying that thr gopher is bad taste, all in all is a friendly logo. I just think it looks retarded.
  • 2
    Gotta agree not a fan of the go logo. Not something that will fit on the back of all the MacBooks well.
  • 1
    I think the logo is nice. It gives it a playful touch. Just started fiddeling with Go yesterday. Do not have an opinion yet though, will probably have after I complete the project.
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