
Non-dev activity that made me a better dev?

That's an easy one.

Playing the piano. Or better: learning to play the piano.

(With the help of my teacher) I developed many skills that help me learn faster and I learned how to properly use and organize my time.

  • 1
    Yeap! It definitely could help you solving complex problems better :)
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    Regularly playing piano will make your typing faster

    Is it?
  • 1
    @arch-chroot not sure. Playing piano and the muscle memory acquired doesn't seem to align with the muscle memory required for typing.
    Atleast not yet in my case.
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    I play the piano. But I currently don’t have one. I’ve been trying to get enough extra freelance work to buy a top-end synthesizer/workstation but nobody wants to FREAKING FINISH THEIR PROJECTS with me and PAY me.
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    Learning to play the piano is a good attempt to improve your own skills and develop yourself. I must admit that it is not cheap because you need a lot of details which are described on https://pickmypiano.com/digital-pia... and all pianists feel better with them.
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