
So, 1920x1080 hey !

The perfect fucking resolution !

you want 12 columns with equal gutters? FUCK YOU!

you want 12 rows with equal gutters? FUCK YOU MORE!

  • 4
    equal gutters between and around the cells?
    gutter=12n, row=90-13n, col=160-13n
  • 0
    @localpost What's n? 😳

    you don't get decimals?

    Design team had gotten 32px gutter/margins signed off, (1920 - 13*32) / 12 unfortunately leaves you with a decimal 🙃
  • 0
    @lopu n is an integer in range 0 to 7 inclusive, e.g. for n=2,
    13*24 + 12*64 = 1080
    13*24 + 12*134 = 1920

    Sorry to hear your design team is mathematically challenged, but that's not the resolution's fault.
    Maybe, you can sneak one by them and make the gutter 36px instead of 32.
  • 0
    Ohhhh I see ! Any multiple of 13 is a valid gutter !

    Nice nice good to know ! 💪

    But that just proves my point, unlucky 13 being the only gutter option for 1920/1080 displays ;)

    It's all a satanic conspiracy

    > Sorry to hear your design team is mathematically challenged

    Killed me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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